Brainwash weekly (long entry)
This guy at work comes back from a weekend conversion seminar. He called it a motivation seminar. “I got free tickets so I may as well go” he told me. I hoped this guy would be able to withstand the barrage of brainwash tactics used in these things, but he fall. He fall hook, line, sinker, rod and a copy of brainwash weekly. When he came in on Monday with a coloured plastic bracelet I knew he was gone. He loved it and has vowed to go to every seminar this guy holds, no matter what the cost. He went hopping to learn something about himself and lets face it getting rich. He instead got himself a new set of beliefs and an undying devotion to this guy and his books, tapes and videos.
Why am I so sour about all this? He has helped people in the past. Thousands of people can’t be wrong. Movie stars love him.
I know another person who like the guy above mentioned went hoping to learn how to make money. Now one year later, his broke and thousands of dollars in dept. All this dept caused by paying thousands of dollars for seminars. It pains me to see it. Even though his in debt he still believes in this guy and what he taught him.
I had hoped this story could help this new victim but alas it did not. You see he now sees anyone that talks against this genius, as persons holding him back. Stopping him from achieving his goals “the enemy” in a sense.
Eg Brainwash tactic
Eat a vegan diet for a month and then come back for the next seminar. This has been proven to weaken you physically and emotionally. Which in turn increases suggestibility, making the next session more effective on you.