PDS Part 2 + -
PDS’s and propaganda can flow through the PDS network like an electrochemical storm in the brain. Epileptic waves of true or false information can span kilometers in minutes depending on density. Someone giving away free cans of Pepsi could spread out in all directions making people aware and bringing them to the source. You could inadvertently become a carrier of these PDS viruses and help it along. Companies could plant PDS’s all around town advertising all sorts of crap.
On the up side myths could be created around great PDS story writers e.g. Mr. Meme. Where will Mr. Meme be today. Where was he spotted last. Maybe a list of his supposed favorite hangouts. Trawlers of information could be seen driving around gathering research on the latest opinions and trends on the street. Street magazines could be distributed via PDS rather than printing them on wasteful paper. Zones could develop where you will find certain types of minds e.g. you could have a tech zone and an art zone.